Most college and university students experience stress on a regular basis. The reality is that this stress can take a serious toll on the academic progress, health, and overall happiness of undergrads. According to a study performed by the American Psychological Association, the majority of teens tend to report the same stress levels as the ones of adults.
In other words, college students experience significant amounts of stress that is chronic. The bad news is that their ability to cope with this stress is usually lower than their stress levels. Most undergrads report suffering from depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, and inability to focus on study sessions because of it.
#1 Common Causes of Stress in College
Stress that college students tend to experience originates from high school years. As a result, it can persist into your college routine and cause not only academic failure but serious mental health issues. The most standard sources of student stress are the following:
- Extracurriculars
- Home assignments
- Social challenges
- Relationships
- New processes such as living far from home, graduating, and so on
- Part and full-time jobs
College undergrads face the tough competitiveness of juggling extracurricular activities, challenging classes, study sessions, and acing exams and tests. At the same time, they have to build life-changing plans for the post-graduation era and deal with social challenges on the plate. Below, we offer some simples yet practical pieces of advice and strategies that will help you deal with stress in college.
#2 Get a Massage
If you’re feeling exhausted, it’s time to relax. Literally. As a rule, stress becomes one of the key reasons why your muscles get knotted and tight. That’s when a competent massage therapist can save the day. It is important to find a knowledgeable and well-educated expert to let one help you combat stress.
#3 Get Enough Sleep
College and university undergrads, with their hectic schedules, are notorious for not getting an adequate amount of sleep. Unluckily, trying to absorb academic materials in a sleep-deprived state usually turns into a failure. Not only are you less productive, but you’re also less interested in both classes and extracurriculars, and you find it hard to learn.
When it comes to managing stress in college, it is highly important to have a healthy sleep schedule. Mae sure you get enough sleep. At least eight hours a night will help you feel better during the day.
#4 Exercise
When you’re stressed, doing squats and deadlifts may be the last thing that you would like to do. But the reality is that as little as 30 minutes a day of a good workout session can reduce your stress levels. When it comes to the types of physical activities, it is recommended to choose something that you enjoy doing, such as jogging, yoga, or swimming. Let’s face it, you’re not going to keep on doing something that you hate.
#5 Find Time for Your Passions
Student’s schedule is usually filled with study sessions. However, top stress management techniques include an important recommendation – find at least an hour or two each week to enjoy your hobby. Choose to do something that feeds your inner world and makes you feel the peace of your soul. There will always be an exam that you have to get ready for or an essay that you have to accomplish. That is why it is important to find time to focus on what makes your heart beat faster.
#6 Listen to Your Favorite Music
One of the best ways to relieve stress is by listening to your favorite tunes. Based on what it is that you want – to calm down or stimulate yourself for better and more productive work – make sure to choose the most suitable playlist. For instance, if you need to wake up “intellectually,” turn on some upbeat music while playing classical music will help when it’s time to study.
#7 Learn to Say NO
In high school, taking part in loads of activities is enjoyable. However, when it comes to the college routine, it is important for you to be focused. Choose the extracurriculars that mean the most to you. Your fellow students may approach you here and there asking you for help or with any other requests. You may be tempted to help them 24/7 but the reality is that you can’t save everyone. At the same time, you can’t participate in all possible social events and party hard. Learn to say no to be able to focus on your college assignments. After all, that’s what your college years are for.
#8 Look for Help
When you realize that you’re up to your neck with your home assignments and extracurriculars, do not hesitate to look for help. The reps of online companies like are there to help you get your papers done, provide you with tips on how to accomplish papers of any complexity level, and edit the pieces that you have composed yourself. Being a hard-working student is a good thing; however, it is important to learn to delegate some of your assignments to avoid burnout.
#9 Communicate with Your Roomie
In college, you will be living with at least one person. Even if you get along well, fights may be on the list if you don’t communicate well. When it’s your first college year, make sure to start it off by discussing things like guests, cleaning, bills, and bedtimes. Get a whiteboard for notes if you two have different schedules and don’t like to text.
#10 Take the Day Off Regularly
When you’re drowning in stress, having a day off is the key. You need to clear up your mind, reload, and change your routine for a short while. For instance, you can spend Sunday watching your favorite Netflix show or your favorite football team. You will be surprised how productive and motivated you are when it’s time to get back to your college routine after a short day off.
With the recommendations given above, make a conscious effort to find out what works best for you. Whether it’s a regular morning run or dance classes, workout at the gym, or checking Friends TV show, knowing what best combats your stress will enable you to get back to a stress-free routine as soon as possible.