November is here and it marks the beginning of winter, the most romantic time of the year. A report by BBC claims that the winter season is one full of romance and love. There’s something about shorter days and colder nights, which makes people crave romantic intimacy.
If you’re not already with someone, chances are you have a certain someone you see yourself with in the future. But there’s an if, and this is a big if, whether they’re the one for you.
If you have been thinking about popping the question or hoping that you’ll be asked this winter season and prepared for saying yes, it’s natural to wonder if it’s the right step. If you’ve been considering a lifetime of commitment with certain someone, it’s within your rights to wonder if it’s the correct decision. More than the subjective qualities of your partner, what matters is how you feel about them and when you’re apart.
If you’re also battling this conundrum, you’re not alone. There are hundreds of individuals out there wondering about the same. We are here to make your process simpler with these five signs to know if you’re with “the one”. So what are you waiting for, read on ahead and find out if your partner is yours forever?
When You’re Content With or Without Physical Intimacy
You’ll know you’re with the one when you are content in the relationship with or without physical intimacy. When you grow out of the honeymoon phase of your relationship, is when you’ll know whether the person is the right fit for you. Every relationship starts with physical attraction, but the true test of a relationship is when you’re apart, the relationship still brings joy and excitement to your life.
It’s when you have as much fun and happiness in your pajamas as when you’re making love, that’s when you’ll know they are the one for you. The simplest test to know this is to look back upon your relationship and ponder what fond memories come to mind.
You’ll consider moving forward with your partner and think about marriage only when the fond memories that come rushing back don’t all involve a bed and steamy times. It’s more crucial to ensure that you connect as partners and continue to grow even when sex is off the table before you make the ultimate move.
When Your Stars and Values Align
When talking about relationships, it’s imperative to ensure that your values align with each others’. These may include whether you want to have kids, how to raise your kids, religion, financial plans, lifestyle, and beliefs. More than the core values themselves, it’s important to ensure that values align to successfully handle conflict and have a successful relationship.
If things are moving too fast and you have not had the time to discuss or figure out whether your core values match or not, you can figure it out from your sun signs. There are documented articles and researches proving how various sun signs have distinctive traits and values.
If you’re wondering, yes, you can find Libra vs Scorpio or any other sun sign compatibility and core values online using powerful tools. These tools will tell you how your values and interests match, among other things. This is crucial to ensure that you’re compatible with each other before considering spending a lifetime together.
When Spending Time Apart Physically Hurts
Have you ever felt unease when you are away from them? Many have described the feeling as a physical discomfort being away from their partners for a longer duration. There are medical researches proving that being with your partner or “the one” can lessen the physical pain if you’re experiencing any. That’s the power of being with the one and you’ll know when you find them.
However, one fool-proof way of knowing whether you’re with your soulmate is when you start using “we”. When every activity or holiday you plan includes them, that’s when you reach the unified couple stage and are ready to take the next step in your relationship.
When They Bring Out the Best in You
Have you ever felt that being with your partner brings out the best in you? If they make you feel more driven, motivated, and kind, that’s when you’ll know that you are with the perfect person. A good relationship has the power to heal past traumas and life experiences that you may have had to reinforce positivity in your life.
If you notice people complimenting you on your general outlook towards life after you found someone, know that they are a positive influence on your life and you’re ready. On the other hand, if someone brings out negative emotions in you like anger, anxiety, insecurity, and jealousy, it might be the time to re-evaluate your decision.
When Your Future Includes Them
This goes without saying that when you have a clear picture of a shared future together, that holds a significant value in a relationship. The point of envisioning a future together is that you cannot imagine a life apart.
On the contrary, if your mind goes blank at the thought of spending forever with your partner, it’s time to reconsider the relationship. Try to figure out if the issue is your fear of commitment in general or is it about the person you’re dating. If it’s the former, you need to just take the leap of faith and if it’s the latter it’s time for “the talk.”
Hopefully, by now you have a clear picture and an insight into your relationship at this point. It’s best to stop investing emotionally in a relationship that you know is not going anywhere. On the other hand, if you’re full of positivity about your relationship, go ahead and put a ring on it. What’re you waiting for?